Elementary Integration Expo Resources


In May 2023, we had a great day of sharing and learning together about elementary content integration with virtual sessions presented by Washington teachers, coaches and content specialists. The focus of the conference was integrating content areas together with science as the anchor and our presenters offered a lot of great resources for educators.


Dual Language (Spanish/English) Science Integration with Writing and Art Through GLAD Strategies presented by Aida Caltenco, Noemi Moreno and Mayra Juarez

Unifying the Pieces: The Art of Content Integration presented by Barbara Bromley and Annette Venegas

Authentic Content Integration in the Elementary Classroom presented by Tiffany Ingham

Integrating Environmental Learning PreK- 5th grade presented by Jana Brock

Elementary Content Integration Nuts and Bolts: Resources, Research, and Tools presented by Kimberley Astle

Using the Science of Reading to Drive Content Integration presented by Ann Schumacher and Gena Vincent

Cause and Effect Through Science, Reading and Writing Lenses presented by Anita Roedell

Write Like a Scientist: Tools and Routines that Deepen Science Understanding presented by Carolyn Colley

Content Integration for Those Using Amplify Science or FOSS presented by Diana Vélez and Rebecca Abbott

Integrating Math and Science presented by Dr. Laura Grant and Kimberley Astle

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