Projects & Services


Teacher Training & Support

CSTP provides support and training for teachers, schools, districts and the state in the areas of Teacher Leadership and Promoting Teacher Voice.

CSTP is available to collaborate, consult or coach on developing and promoting teacher voice and building teacher leadership capacity. We do not offer canned programs, but instead work with your context to develop systems to establish a sustained practice of elevating teacher practice through teacher leadership and teacher voice.  Contact for more information.

Teacher Training & Support

Camas Teacher Leadership Academy Support

Consulting with Camas School District to create and support the Camas Teacher Leadership Academy.

Auburn Teacher Leadership Academy Collaboration

Collaborating and facilitating the Auburn Teacher Leadership Academy (ATLA) with the Auburn School District.

Regional Teacher Leadership Trainings with ESD 123

Collaborating with ESD 123 on creating teacher leadership trainings in their regions for the schools they serve.

Hosting National Board Leadership Conference

Hosting the National Board Leadership Conference to help National Board Certified Teachers in our state develop their capacity to lead adults and to extend the power of the National Board process beyond their classroom walls.

Supporting Core Teachers with HU 105's Model

Supporting Core Teachers with HU 105’s model for teacher preparation through teacher residency to develop their ability to mentor teacher candidates and provide Core Teachers with professional learning.

Teacher Leadership Symposium with OSPI

Supporting OSPI’s Office of Student and School Success in offering a Teacher Leadership Symposium for teachers in federally identified schools.

Teacher Training & Support

Supporting NBCTs in Student Growth Implementation

Supporting National Board Certified Teachers to develop and share their stories of implementing the Student Growth component during this school year.

Training LASER Teachers for STEM Advocacy

Training teachers in LASER about how to advocate for their STEM work with their colleagues, school building, school district and school boards.

Training LASER Teachers for STEM Advocacy

Supporting the development of videotaped pre and post-conferences in each of the three Instructional Frameworks.

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