Teacher Leadership

CSTP’s Teacher Leadership Framework describes the knowledge, skills and dispositions demonstrated by teachers who positively impact student learning by influencing adults, formally and informally, beyond individual classrooms.

Teacher Leadership Training

CSTP Provides customized training based on the Leadership Skills Framework for teachers, administrators and educational leaders. See items listed below for an idea of what we can offer.

Teacher Leadership Skills Introduction

CSTP will provide a comprehensive overview of the Teacher Leadership Framework. This includes all six areas of the Framework – working with adults, collaboration, communication, knowledge of content and pedagogy, systems thinking and the newest addition equity lens. Participants will interact with the Framework, use their own experiences and knowledge to apply the concepts and have time for deep reflection on the application of the Framework to their work. Participants will identify areas of strength and challenge and create an action plan according to their reflection and needs.  CSTP will model and practice the use of protocols and structures to support and increase meaningful and impacting collaboration. Participants will leave this training with a solid foundation for understanding teacher leadership, as well as practical resources they can implement immediately with colleagues in order to more effectively work together with their teacher leader teams to better serve student needs throughout the district. This session can be planned for one or two full days and the depth of reflection and planning can be customized accordingly.  Intended audience: educational leaders of all types – department heads, instructional coaches, PLC leads, TOSAs and administrators. 

Teacher Leadership Deep Dive

Designed for those who have already had an introduction to the CSTP Teacher Leadership Framework, this training provides up to six deep dive sessions. Each will focus on one of the six aspects of the Framework.  During these sessions, CSTP will lead participants in reflecting on and building the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for each element as well as co-planning and preparing for teacher-team collaboration training. These sessions can be planned for a full day or half day session and the depth of reflection and planning can be customized accordingly. Intended audience: educational leaders of all types – department heads, instructional coaches, PLC leads, TOSAs and administrators. 

Communication and Collaboration for Equity Focused Teacher Leadership

This training explores the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to lead equity focused conversations with colleagues. During this training participants will explore components of teacher leadership with a focus on the communication and collaboration skills necessary to have hard conversations about race and equity in our schools and systems. Educators will have an opportunity to investigate and reflect on their own strengths and areas for growth. We will model and practice the use of protocols and structures to support difficult and necessary learning focused conversations to increase collaboration. Participants will leave this training with a solid foundation for understanding teacher leadership, as well as practical resources they can implement immediately with colleagues in order to more effectively work together for the benefit of the students we serve. This training can be planned for a full or half day. Intended audience: educational leaders of all types – department heads, instructional coaches, PLC leads, TOSAs and administrators. 

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