PLC Support

CSTP offers customized training and facilitation for collaborative teacher teams.

PLC Training Options

Below are trainings that we can provide to PLC teams and leaders of PLC teams. These trainings can be customized depending on building and teacher needs.

High Impact, High Function PLCs

This training focuses on growing PLC teams to have healthy communication and collaboration for high functioning high impact PLCs.  Teams will experience collaborative processes and tools to set them up for meaningful PLC work in the coming school year. This experience will create a common understanding of and language for growing leadership knowledge, skills and dispositions for the entire staff so that they might leverage their assets as teams to better serve their students.

CSTP will model and practice the use of protocols and structures to support and increase meaningful and impacting collaboration and reflective conversations. Participants will leave the training with a better understanding of what they can do to move relationships from congenial to collegial and teams to be more high functioning and impactful.This training can be planned for a full or half day. Intended audience: PLC Teams. 

Culturally Responsive PLC Teams

This training will make connections between common PLC questions and/or structures and the six themes of CRE and the five planning questions outlined in Culturally Responsive Education in the classroom by Dr. Adeyemi Stembridge. Rooted in CSTP’s Teacher Leadership Framework it will also highlight the ways all teachers can elevate their leadership skills in order to work together for all students in all classrooms. Work with your team to explore how you and your PLC can leverage planning to make your classrooms more culturally responsive. This training can be planned for a full or half day. Intended audience: PLC Teams. 

Leading PLC Teams

Rooted in CSTP’s Teacher Leadership Framework, this training is designed to specifically address the knowledge skills and dispositions educators need to successfully work with and/or lead teams. This training will address all six sections of the Leadership Framework, (Working With Adult Learners, Communication, Collaboration, Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy, Systems Thinking and Equity Lens) and guide participants to reflect on their own strengths and opportunities for growth in their ability to lead successful collaborative teams. This training can be planned for a full or half day. Intended audience: educational leaders of all types – department heads, instructional coaches, PLC leads, TOSAs and administrators. 

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